The Real Estate Dealer Business (REMS) features are beneficial for dealers, agents, and developers.
- Cloud Base online system (Use anywhere, any device and any time)
- Fully integrate with all accounting Transaction
- Project or cost center wise system
- Buyer, Seller and investors Definition separately
- Booking and purchase management
- Single and Bulk purchase of Properties/plot
- Property type wise definition
- Agent /salesman definition and commission system
- Client Investment Management system
- Auto Investment commission for investment client
- Token Management System
- Online file and picture upload
- Plot / property Inventory
- Rent commission management system
- Sale Management system
- Powerful Reporting
- Accounting module integration
- Chart of account
- Purchase, sale invoice
- Voucher system
- Payable and Receivable
- Ledgers, profit & Loss account, Balance sheet
- Bank Reconciliation
- Postdated Cheque system
- Security Management system
- Multiple User role and user creation
- Customize Business Flow